Personality Disorders Treatment
Each personality disorder has its own set of diagnostic criteria. However, according to the DSM-5, generally the diagnosis of a personality disorder includes long-term marked deviation from cultural expectations that leads to significant distress or impairment in at least two of these areas:
- The way you perceive and interpret yourself, other people and events
- The appropriateness of your emotional responses
- How well you function when dealing with other people and in relationships
- Whether you can control your impulses
The treatment that's best for you depends on your particular personality disorder, its severity and your life situation. Often, a team approach is needed to make sure all of your psychiatric, medical and social needs are met. Because personality disorders are long-standing, treatment may require months or years.
Your treatment team may include your primary doctor or other primary care provider as well as a:
- Psychiatrist
- Psychologist or other therapist
- Psychiatric nurse
- Pharmacist
Our Specilities
- In Patient Department
- A Safer Health System
- Outdoor Patient
- Craniofacial program
- Neuro-endoscopy
- Pentothal abreaction
Benefits With Our Service
We believe in the value that give you high quality of treatment for your mental safety. We have specialist for emergency health care service in your home at on time. They are highly trained for quickly response and provide great service to the our patients.
Health Tips & Info
We feel that our technicians are best part of heart hospital is often unrecognized for its contribution to the profitability & success of a hospital. We believe in success of our hospital in the world.